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        為了提高肢體殘疾者的生活自理能力、更好地融入社會,高性能假肢的需求非常迫切,仿人型殘疾人假手系統(tǒng)(殘疾人假手)具有龐大的市場需求和廣闊的應用前景。(可參考相關譯文)To enhance the functional skills and reintegrate the sociaty of headicapped,the High-tech Artificial Hands is in great demand. The Bionic Headicapped Artificial Hands System(Headicapped Artificial Hand) has great market demand and extensive application prospect.

        一、假手構成 Compose of Artificial Hands
        殘疾人假手樣機由5個可獨立驅動的手指組成,每個手指有3個活動關節(jié),各關節(jié)之間是耦合運動。This prototype consists of 5 independently driven fingers, any of which has 3 joints moving by coupling each other.

        二、假手功能 Function
        具有關節(jié)位置和關節(jié)力矩感知功能,機構、傳感、驅動和控制系統(tǒng)高度集成;樣機重量不超過0.5公斤,包裝以后的尺寸與成年人手相仿;采用鋰離子電池供電,多個表面肌電極進行控制,可以實現多種運動模式的抓握操作。It has sensory functions of joint position and torque, and mechanism、sensing、driving and control systems integrate highly. This prototype weigh less than 0.5 kg, similar sizes to mankind’s after package. It is supplied power by lithium battery, controlled by several surface myoelectric poles, actualizing grasping of manifold motion patterns.

        三、關鍵技術Key technologies description:
        1)(1)、五指仿人手型假手機構的設計。五個手指獨立驅動,每個手指的3個關節(jié)耦合運動,并且具有擬人化的外觀和運動特性(已申請國家發(fā)明專利);Design of 5-finger humanoid artificial hands mechanism. Any finger is driven independently, whose 3 joints are moving by coupling each other, owning impersonated appearance and movement behaviors (national patent applied).
        2)(2)、新型拇指機構的設計。采用新型的拇指機構,使單電機驅動的拇指具有擬人化的空間運動軌跡(已授權國家發(fā)明專利);Design of new thumb. It adopts new thumb mechanism, making thumb driven by singer motor own impersonated space motion path (national patent authorized).
           (3)、機構、傳感、驅動和控制系統(tǒng)高度集成化。假手具有關節(jié)位置和關節(jié)力矩感知功能,所有的5個電機放置在手掌內部,控制系統(tǒng)采用基于雙DSP的主從分布式結構(已授權國家發(fā)明專利)。Mechanism、sensing、driving and control systems integrate highly. It has sensory functions of joint position and torque. 5 motors lie inside palm. Control system adopts master-slave and distributed structure based on doubled DSP(national patent authorized)
        3)(4)、基于肌電信號的多自由度假手多種運動模式的控制。采用多個表面肌電傳感器(EMG),實現多種運動模式的高正確率、快速識別,并且結合局部自主控制策略,實現假手多種運動模式的肌電控制(已申請國家發(fā)明專利)。Control of multi-DOF artificial hands’ manifold motion patterns based on myoelectric signals. It uses several EMG, implementing high correct rate and fast recognition of multi-movement pattern. Combined with local autonomous control strategy, it has realized myoelectric control of multi-movement patterns(national patent applied).

        四、樣機照片Prototype pictures

圖  假手樣機及其包裝以后的假手照片
artificial-hands prototype and picture after packaging


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